Speaker Submission Guidelines

Please review these guidelines carefully prior to submitting the required information. We reserve the right to deny any submission that is not in compliance with Heartland Conference’s Speaker Submission Guidelines.

The following information is required when submitting a learning program for consideration for Heartland Conference.


Presentation Title
80-character count maximum

Ideal Audience
Please choose the audience that is most appropriate for your topic. We reserve the right to change the track upon submission review.

Course Description
Briefly explain what information will be covered during the presentation. Suggested word count of 100- 150.

Learning Objectives (Three are required)
The single most important task when developing a learning program is to determine appropriate learning objectives that specify exactly what you want learners to be able to do at the end of the program. In other words, what are the reasons for the intended audience to participate in your program? Why are they in your classroom?

Learning objectives must be CLEAR, CONCISE, SPECIFIC, and MEASUREABLE. All of your program content should be driven by your objectives. VGM Education will review your proposed objectives to ensure they align with the need, ANSI/IACET standards, and sound educational principles.

The action verb is the most important element of an objective. The action verb states precisely what the student will be able to do following your program.

Remember that objectives must be MEASUREABLE. This means whatever task you’re going to ask the students to do, you must be able to measure how well they’re able to perform that task. Many people stumble when selecting an appropriate action verb because they use verbs that can’t be measured.

Use the accepted action verbs below to use when writing your learning objectives.

Please note, you will be required to review your learning objectives at the end of your presentation. Clear, concise, specific, and measurable learning objectives will help attendees review the objectives.

Speaker Bio
A brief biography is required for all those involved in instruction of the course. Bios should clearly state the presenter’s qualifications for teaching the course. Please keep it around 100 words.

Chosen Presenters
If you are chosen to present at Heartland, you will be required to give more information so that CEUs can be obtained for your session. If that requested information is not received by the deadline, you will forfeit your speaking opportunity for the conference. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to deadlines so that we can offer the best education in the industry!


Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs

Use verbs aligned to Bloom's Taxonomy to create objectives that ensure your students' thinking progresses to higher levels.



  • Argue, Assess, Choose, Compare & Contrast, Conclude, Criticize, Critique, Decide, Defend, Evaluate, Interpret, Judge, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Reframe, Select, Support


  • Adapt, Anticipate, Categorize, Collaborate, Combine, Communicate, Compare, Compile, Compose, Construct, Contrast, Create, Design, Develop, Devise, Express, Facilitate, Formulate, Generate, Incorporate, Individualize, Initiate, Integrate, Intervene, Invent, Make up, Model, Modify, Negotiate, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Progress, Propose, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Reinforce, Reorganize, Revise, Rewrite, Structure, Substitute, Validate, Appraise


  • Break down, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Correlate, Debate, Deduce, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine, Focus, Illustrate, Infer, Limit, Outline, Point out, Prioritize, Recognize, Research, Relate, Separate, Subdivide


  • Administer, Articulate, Assess, Change, Chart, Choose, Collect, Compute, Construct, Contribute, Control, Demonstrate, Determine, Develop, Discover, Dramatize, Draw, Establish, Extend, Imitate, Implement, Interview, Include, Inform, Instruct, Paint, Participate, Predict, Prepare, Produce, Provide, Relate, Report, Select, Show, Solve, Transfer, Use


  • Classify, Cite, Conclude, Convert, Describe, Discuss, Estimate, Explain, Generalize, Give examples, Illustrate, Interpret, Locate, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Trace


  • Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Enumerate, Find, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Quote, Read, Recall, Recite, Record, Reproduce, Select, Sequence, State, Tell, View, Write

Image from Fracus Learning